Teddy Bear Day

Did you know September 9th is National Teddy Bear Day in the US and October 27th internationally? This day is always popular among students since they love to cuddle soft teddy bears! So, teachers can celebrate this holiday on the actual day or anytime during the school year! Students will love it no matter when the celebration occurs. Thankfully, Teddy Bear Day is ready to go and full of fun teddy bear activities! Students will love celebrating with classmates while working on so many fun activities. 

Teddy Bear Day 

This resource has everything teachers need to have a fun themed day that students will never forget! 

To build excitement, there is a letter to parents. This will help them know the special day is coming, and students will celebrate in the classroom.  Students even have a folder cover to store their special activities to take home to their families. Honestly, I love how this letter helps build school-to-home connections.

Special Activities 

Since there are so many standards to teach, Teddy Bear Day combines a celebration with academics. So, students will work on descriptions by explaining their favorite stuffed bear. They will also make gummy bear predictions, work on vocabulary, and play a Teddy Graham math game. There are also activities for tens frame, making words activity, and a teddy-themed song! Students will even work on a graphic organizer to write a story about a teddy bear sleepover. 

Ultimately, there are so many exciting educational math and reading activities! Students will love spending the entire day working on academics through these themed activities.

Read Alouds 

While special days are so exciting, they are also exhausting! So, students will need some time to sit back and relax. So, there are recommended teddy bear books! Students will love listening to stories about teddy bears. Best of all, they will become their own authors through the fun activities in the Teddy Bear Day lessons! 

Favorite Teddy 

If your school allows, have students bring in their favorite teddy bear! This aspect adds so much excitement for students. 

elementary activities

Grade Level 

The Teddy Bear Day celebration is perfect for kindergarteners and first-grade students. They are at the age where they love to cuddle with teddy bears and love sharing their stuffed animal stories. However, it can also work with other grade levels! Teachers know their students best, so they can decide the best way to celebrate this fun national day!

Students work so hard in school. Honestly, they spend so much time in the classroom that the building becomes their home away from home. So, they deserve special activities throughout the year. Whether it is a big celebration or small, they will love celebrating any event with their classmates. Luckily, everything is ready to make Teddy Bear Day one that students will never forget! 

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